Experienced Hit & Run Accident Lawyers in NJ & NYC
If you or a loved one have experienced injuries or damages as the result of a hit & run, it is important to have a trusted and experienced attorney at your side who understands your situation and will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.
What Are Hit & Run Accidents?
Hit & run accidents occur when a vehicle crashes into a person, place or other vehicle, and then immediately flees the scene before the police arrive or any information can be exchanged.
While all motor vehicle accidents are frightening, hit & run accidents have an added element of frustration. With little-to-no information regarding the identity of the offending driver, the situation can feel hopeless, especially if the sustained damages or injuries are severe.
What to Do if You Were in a Hit and Run
If you or a loved one were in a hit and run accident, taking the following steps will greatly improve the strength of your case and the likelihood of receiving an appropriate settlement.
First and foremost, seek professional medical treatment as soon as possible.
After you’ve completed this crucial step, your next objective should be collecting evidence and details regarding the accident.
Record Details of Fleeing Car and Driver
If at all possible, it is crucial to record as many details about the fleeing car as you can, such as make, model, license plate, color and any damage from the accident. If you manage to catch a glimpse of the offending car’s driver, try to recall their sex, race, clothing, ethnicity and other identifiable traits or characteristics.
The more details you provide, the better chance the police have of tracking down the suspect.
Documenting the Scene of the Accident
In addition to the information about the culprit, it is also important to document as many details as you can about the site of the accident, your injuries, the damage to your car and more:
- Photograph/Record Site of Accident – Take as many photos or videos as you can of the location in which the hit and run occurred, and the surrounding areas.
- Photograph/Record Injuries – It’s also imperative to document any cuts, bruises, scratches, stitches, bandages, surgeries or more that were caused by the accident.
- Photograph/Record Damage to Vehicle – Any damage done to your vehicle by the hit and run should be carefully captured in photos and/or video.
- Gather and Preserve Evidence – Everything from clothes worn during the event to the items you had with you should be preserved and kept in as pristine of a condition as possible, as they may be needed for the case.
- Gather Witness Information – If there were any witnesses to the event, try to obtain their contact information (name, phone number, address, etc.), as they may be able to provide important testimony.
- Keep Track of Expenses – Medical bills, lost wages and any additional expenses stemming from the incident should be held on to and thoroughly documented, as they show how much financial damage you have suffered as a result of the injury.
Maintaining a well-organized and easily-accessible case file for all of this information is also an integral step to take, as losing or accidentally damaging important documents and evidence can quickly weaken a case.
To avoid this scenario, keep your case file (including any physical evidence) in a safe and secure place until it is needed.
Additionally, the window for asserting a claim is relatively short, with the statute of limitations for personal injury cases (including hit and runs) typically lasting only two years in New Jersey, and three in New York. If your claim is against a public entity (such as the state), the timeline is even more strict, as both NJ and NY require that you provide Tort Claims within 90 days of the incident.
These tight timelines mean that you’ll need to move quickly or lose your chance to bring your case to court and reach an appropriate settlement.
Contact a Hit and Run Lawyer at Larkin Farrell, LLC
If you or a loved one have been the victim of a hit and run accident, contact Larkin Farrell, LLC, today to speak with one of our experienced attorneys, and get the settlement you deserve. All consultations are free of charge. We proudly serve clients in New Jersey and the NYC Metropolitan area.